Score updated at 2024-04-30 22:42:55 UTC
in batch dc6bf62c-b07b-436c-8b4d-d10025121c2b



Name (Commission)
Scores (total)
Active Stake (% of total)
Root Distance
Last 60 Observations
Vote Distance
Last 60 Observations
Skipped Slot %
Last 60 Observations
Skipped After %
Last 60 Observations
CHINU - Powered by Edgevana (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  26,861 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  Jito BlazeStake Jpool Marinade
Block Logic +MEV +Triton (Comm.: 2%)
Active Stake:  1,833,823 (0.5%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  BlazeStake Marinade Lido | 0% fee +MEV (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  726,692 (0.2%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  BlazeStake Jito Marinade Jpool
Chorus One (Comm.: 8%)
Active Stake:  1,257,832 (0.3%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  BlazeStake Marinade
DICS - Degen Infrastructure Core Services (Comm.: 4%)
Active Stake:  263,768 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  BlazeStake Jito Marinade Jpool
ZTF (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  19,272 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  BlazeStake
StakeArmy (Comm.: 7%)
Active Stake:  57,351 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  BlazeStake Marinade
ART3MIS.CLOUD ☘️ (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  50,904 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  BlazeStake Marinade
Stardust Staking 0% commission + MEV profit share (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  291,712 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  BlazeStake Jito Jpool Marinade
EONpool 0% fee +MEV (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  286,314 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  BlazeStake Jito Marinade Jpool
T-STAKE Systems (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  4,831 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  BlazeStake Jpool
JStaking: 0% fee · top returns (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  238,979 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  Jpool BlazeStake Jito Marinade
pico🙄.sol💎300% MEV kickback🚀 (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  215,836 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  BlazeStake Jpool Marinade
Edgevana (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  351,082 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  Jito BlazeStake Jpool Edgevana Marinade
NodesGuru (Comm.: 7%)
Active Stake:  6,167 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
The Lode (Sentries) (Comm.: 1%)
Active Stake:  232,988 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  BlazeStake Jito Marinade Jpool
mrgn2 (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  470,199 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  Jito Jpool Marinade
mrgn3 (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  376,304 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  Jito BlazeStake Jpool Marinade
BONK - Powered by Jito (Comm.: 4%)
Active Stake:  345,601 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  BlazeStake Jito
Above and Beyond (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  60,086 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  BlazeStake Jpool Marinade
Joker (Comm.: 7%)
Active Stake:  36,340 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
shishaonthespot (Comm.: 7%)
Active Stake:  30,361 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Hohla (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  41,089 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
BlockRockers 🎸0% fee + MEV rewards for stakers (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  35,141 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  Jpool
Chainflow (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  292,201 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  1.17.31
Pools:  BlazeStake Marinade