Mainnet Stake Accounts
Active Stake
Last Epoch
Stake Accounts: | 1,419,564 |
Delegated Stake: | 571,622,228.11 SOL |
Active Stake: | 389,318,073.52 SOL |
Average Active Stake: | 312.8 SOL |
Credits Observed: | 423,351.53 SOL |
Rent Exempt Reserve: | 3,252.12 SOL |
Deactivating Stake: | 25,238.87 SOL |
Delegated Stake
Average Active Stake
Stake Accounts
Stake Pubkey | Validator | Withdrawer & Staker | Delegated Stake | Pool |
ACevFz...9561 | The Lotus Validator | CpKnKpgtxk19jc5LgBcxDev7gn23pqBezw5FWC7MpV7M | 434.6 SOL | |
FBjpkT...ki34 | Xandeum Labs low fee + MEV = 🔥APY % | CpKnKpgtxk19jc5LgBcxDev7gn23pqBezw5FWC7MpV7M | 434.42 SOL | |
E2buMY...GPG7 | The Lotus Validator | CpKnKpgtxk19jc5LgBcxDev7gn23pqBezw5FWC7MpV7M | 216.82 SOL | |
4H9FZV...5qCm | Vault X | 0% fee +MEV | CpKnKpgtxk19jc5LgBcxDev7gn23pqBezw5FWC7MpV7M | 142.96 SOL | |
4H6EK5...gdM6 | Vault X | 0% fee +MEV | CpKnKpgtxk19jc5LgBcxDev7gn23pqBezw5FWC7MpV7M | 118.86 SOL | |
2rmoDE...iu8e | Ledger by Figment | CpKnKpgtxk19jc5LgBcxDev7gn23pqBezw5FWC7MpV7M | 108.34 SOL | |
8oqvLa...fD7B | Xandeum Labs low fee + MEV = 🔥APY % | CpKnKpgtxk19jc5LgBcxDev7gn23pqBezw5FWC7MpV7M | 83.91 SOL | |
J6gjRe...2pKK | Xandeum Labs low fee + MEV = 🔥APY % | CpKnKpgtxk19jc5LgBcxDev7gn23pqBezw5FWC7MpV7M | 52.04 SOL |