Score updated at 2024-09-01 04:20:06 UTC
in batch c24f48e1-66ba-4bf6-ac25-20ed6c24b17e



Name (Commission)
Scores (total)
Active Stake (% of total)
Root Distance
Last 60 Observations
Vote Distance
Last 60 Observations
Skipped Slot %
Last 60 Observations
Skipped After %
Last 60 Observations
Cypherpunk Holdings (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  101,510 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Pools:  Jpool
Spectrum Staking +MEV (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  219,331 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.21
Pools:  BlazeStake Jito Jpool
SunSol Validator (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  42,049 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Pools:  BlazeStake
CamiLLe 🐘 + MEV rewards (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  39,417 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Stardust Staking - 0% fee forever (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  229,062 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Pools:  BlazeStake Jito Jpool
NannyNode (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  38,736 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Luna Labs (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  264,220 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Pools:  BlazeStake Jito Jpool
Syncnode (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  273,089 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Pools:  BlazeStake Jpool Lido Marinade
Drift (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  252,731 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.21
Pools:  BlazeStake Jpool
SolarTeam (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  38,679 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
StakeArmy (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  47,963 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Pools:  BlazeStake
Bandito Stake (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  115,060 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.21
Pools:  BlazeStake
Absolute Guard (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  53,023 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Pools:  BlazeStake
Swiss validator (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  106,695 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Pools:  BlazeStake
Trillium: Stake, Earn, and Fuel Solana! (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  216,572 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Pools:  Jito BlazeStake Edgevana
Litx - 0% Commission (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  17,342 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Pools:  BlazeStake
T-STAKE Systems (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  60,817 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Pools:  BlazeStake Jito
StakeWare (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  77,135 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Pools:  BlazeStake
shishaonthespot (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  43,685 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
🔋 P2PStaking:~$ validate --ecology green,carbon-neutral --in FR (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  38,139 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Ice Staking (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  14,576 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Pools:  BlazeStake
CHINU - Powered by Edgevana (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  5,613 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Pools:  Jito BlazeStake Jpool
GO2Pro (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  37,915 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Hohla (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  39,993 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Pools:  Jpool
Above and Beyond (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  38,796 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  1.18.22
Pools:  BlazeStake Jpool