Score updated at 2025-02-14 05:35:20 UTC
in batch 9b8ceae2-1651-4756-a9d9-243d9b2edfd7



Name (Commission)
Scores (total)
Active Stake (% of total)
Root Distance
Last 60 Observations
Vote Distance
Last 60 Observations
Skipped Slot %
Last 60 Observations
Skipped After %
Last 60 Observations
Helius (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  12,964,017 (3.3%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Pools:  BlazeStake
binance staking (Comm.: 8%)
Active Stake:  12,020,334 (3.1%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Pools:  Marinade
Galaxy (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  11,967,453 (3.1%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Coinbase 02 (Comm.: 8%)
Active Stake:  10,515,992 (2.7%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Ledger by Figment (Comm.: 7%)
Active Stake:  8,450,510 (2.2%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Pools:  Marinade
Figment (Comm.: 7%)
Active Stake:  7,331,142 (1.9%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Kiln1 (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  6,430,607 (1.7%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Pools:  Lido (Comm.: 7%)
Active Stake:  6,330,057 (1.6%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
SOL Community (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  5,932,508 (1.5%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Everstake (Comm.: 7%)
Active Stake:  5,622,980 (1.5%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Pools:  Marinade
Private Validator
Active Stake:  5,275,769 (1.4%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Private Validator
Active Stake:  5,257,738 (1.4%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Private Validator
Active Stake:  5,228,222 (1.3%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Private Validator
Active Stake:  4,935,440 (1.3%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Staking Facilities | MEV 🔥 (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  4,759,305 (1.2%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Pools:  BlazeStake
Jito2 (Comm.: 4%)
Active Stake:  4,718,488 (1.2%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.14
7Zm1pE...AZ84 (Comm.: 8%)
Active Stake:  4,605,554 (1.2%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
9rkJMA...NDSQ (Comm.: 8%)
Active Stake:  4,482,195 (1.2%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Private Validator
Active Stake:  4,349,998 (1.1%)
Software Version:  V:  0.305.20111
Cumulative stake above can halt the network — improve decentralization and delegate to validators below
Private Validator
Active Stake:  4,330,571 (1.1%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Jito1 (Comm.: 4%)
Active Stake:  4,174,668 (1.1%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Jupiter (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  4,085,239 (1.1%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Pools:  Jpool
Twinstake (Comm.: 10%)
Active Stake:  3,767,544 (1.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
private (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  3,697,885 (1.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11
Private Validator
Active Stake:  3,598,006 (0.9%)
Software Version:  V:  2.1.11