Score updated at 2024-12-10 14:28:19 UTC
in batch 201a6dec-dc63-4a27-a518-5ebe1119bc51



Name (Commission)
Scores (total)
Active Stake (% of total)
Root Distance
Last 60 Observations
Vote Distance
Last 60 Observations
Skipped Slot %
Last 60 Observations
Skipped After %
Last 60 Observations
ivzor (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  28,663 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
STEALTH (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  205,264 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Pools:  Jito Jpool
Dependable Solana Validator +MEV (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  194,584 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Pools:  BlazeStake Jito Jpool
Watchtower (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  82,585 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.15
Pools:  BlazeStake Jpool
Synergy (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  26,445 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
MightyMooseValidator (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  13,701 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
⚡GorillaSol⚡ 0%Fee+Jito MEV (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  31,927 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Pools:  BlazeStake
Simpdigit (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  215,861 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Pools:  Jito BlazeStake Marinade
mrgn2 (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  416,123 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.16
Pools:  Jito Jpool (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  100,519 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Dosirak 🇰🇷 (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  23,273 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Eyenotion (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  41,592 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Schenok validator (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  205,644 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Pools:  BlazeStake Jito Jpool Marinade
romanh (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  287,618 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Abrea (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  36,755 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Temporal Topaz (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  171,875 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.15
Pools:  BlazeStake Jpool
Bitprim SOL Validator (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  50,587 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Pools:  BlazeStake
tamagotchi (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  23,364 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Absolute Guard (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  35,986 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.15
Pools:  BlazeStake Jpool
Limitless Systems (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  264,074 (0.1%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Pools:  Jito BlazeStake Jpool
Chorus One (Comm.: 8%)
Active Stake:  1,056,476 (0.3%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Pools:  BlazeStake
JB273 Solana Validator (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  36,092 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Xandeum Network 1 (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  4,584 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Stand With Ukraine (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  169,913 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Pools:  BlazeStake Jito Jpool
nova (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  70,377 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.18
Pools:  Marinade