Score updated at 2024-09-01 03:56:12 UTC
in batch b792ee9f-5c07-490c-b288-193c16421b05



Name (Commission)
Scores (total)
Active Stake (% of total)
Root Distance
Last 60 Observations
Vote Distance
Last 60 Observations
Skipped Slot %
Last 60 Observations
Skipped After %
Last 60 Observations
✨ SolLine ✨ (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  67,979 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
OrbitFlare Testnet 01 (Comm.: 5%)
Active Stake:  50,324 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
Wen Testnet (Comm.: 10%)
Active Stake:  46,303 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
Stakin (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  49,502 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
nordstar ⭐ reliable testing (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  32,016 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
peacesol (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  20,958 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
Rxtx testnet (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  32,736 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
aaaaa (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  40,679 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
hedgehog_kmr (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  32,175 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
Fitsu (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  32,725 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
Tokyo Solana Validator (Comm.: 10%)
Active Stake:  32,347 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
kerak69 (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  32,144 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
Julchonok (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  53,027 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
comr8_nga (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  47,780 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7 (Comm.: 0%)
Active Stake:  450,041 (0.2%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
Zeta Node (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  31,972 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
parik (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  32,856 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
unrealisher-testnet (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  31,976 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
eska (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  32,742 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
Yulia_kmr (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  10,959 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
StaRKe (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  114,584 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
Dima Tide (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  17,647 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
Zhandos (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  32,021 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
Serginho (Comm.: 100%)
Active Stake:  49,528 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7
The Lode (Sentries) (Comm.: 10%)
Active Stake:  43,834 (0.0%)
Software Version:  V:  2.0.7